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film. One particular part (alter) will be forced to memorize everything
in the film. This small part
(small alter) is well hidden in each victim’s mind. This small alter, who has a vivid and total recall of
the film Fantasia, is locked carefully away so that ONLY an access code will pull him/her up.
Watching the videotape Fantasia is not going to pull this alter up. The programmers
pull this alter up
when they have a clean slate alter. When they are taking a clean slate of the mind, they will pull the
clean part up and have the alter who has memorized Fantasia throw its memory onto an internal big
screen. The internal Outer space (aka Rubicon) is shaped like an amphitheater,
and functions as a big
vast screen for replay. There is an internal ball or sun created via the lighting effect of the movie
Fantasia, so that the movie appears projected in the mind as on a globe. And the Fantasia film
hit this internal globe and go circular in the mind and spin through the system. The programmer
then say to the new part "THIS IS WHAT I WANT YOU TO CREATE. THIS IS WHAT WE
NEED." In this fashion, Fantasia has provided the programmers
with their primary tool for taking a
dissociated clean slate part of the mind, and manipulating
it to become a new workable part within the
system. The young part that holds the entire Fantasia memory is strategically
placed in the system so
that it can be called up from anyplace in the system. No matter where the programmer
is working in
the system, he can access this small alter whose function is to remember the movie. Most of the
system will go into a trance sleep if shown the movie. The front (as well as most of the system’s
alters) will be totally amnesic to having ever seen the movie. Since the programming
put in with
Fantasia is so fundamental
it should come as no surprise that the programmers
have done an excellent
job in protecting this programming
from everyone, including the slave. Abreacting the film for many
alters could rip the system apart, because after the film is memorized severe trauma begins to be
overlaid and attached to the film. There may be some small alters that still carry tiny bits and pieces
of memory of the movie, but only one will really remember it.
The following script will be a running account of how Fantasia has been used as an important
film for Illuminati trauma-based
to train the mind-control
victim’s mind to
be able to visualize the programming
that will be layered in. The time clock will begin when the
feature film’s action begins, and then will run its entire 116 minutes. This will give the researcher of
description of how a Disney movie is used for programming.
The film
was often shown to child victims around 3 to 4 years of age with a wide screen while the child was
under a guided LSD trip. (Prior to the use of LSD some other drugs were used.) A Grande Dame or
often worked with the Illuminati programmer as an Assistant Programmer.
scripts & the programming
have already been discussed prior to showing the child the film, so the
know the direction they want to take the child, & will tailor some of what is said to the
child victim to individualize
the programming.
When a three or four year old is shown Fantasia on a
and controlled LSD trip, the colors & effects of Fantasia are increased about
1,000 times. The film is realer than real to the child. The movie will not be shown just once, but over
and over so that the scripts are ingrained into the mind. The imagery for the child’s internal world will
be well established,
because the big screen movie enhanced by both the drugs and the bright colors of
the art work will seem more real that life itself. At this time, the child is a multiple, but the walls
between the various parts of the mind are not solid, but similar to the walls between ego states in an
adult non-multiple.
large part of the 3 or 4 year-old child’s system will be allowed to view the
system, including the Christian parts. Then the entire system (with the single exception of the alter
carrying the entire memory of the film) will be hypnotically
told to forget having seen the film. Years
later, the front alters will not remember having seen the movie, but they may have a strange dislike
for the film. They may find that they can’t identify where their feelings of dislike of the film stem
from. The child victim will watch the movie with its programmer and assistant programmer
one, with no other children in the room. The child will watch the film repeatedly and be grilled about
what is in the movie. The child will see the movie so many times in such a vivid form and will be
tested to the point that the movie will be memorized.
But it will be hypnotically
locked up in the
by the programmers, so that it forms a base for the mind to begin building
but will remain hidden from the conscious. At the time the Fantasia film was made, the
Illuminati had been creating trained multiples for years, but they knew they wanted to program the
different personalities
in accordance with the best mind-control
techniques of the day. For this reason,
the Fantasia film was planned ahead of time, so that it could possibly serve as a programming
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