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Important Illuminati rituals have taken place in Argentina and other South American locations where
Illuminati members from the U.S. and various European nations have flown in to participate in. As
more information
comes in, this author will be able to determine whether Arndt Krupp took part in
any of those South American Illuminati ceremonies. There are descendants
of Hitler in several states
in the U.S. (Because people move around, there is no purpose in giving their locations at present.) Of
course the controlled media would have us believe that Adolf Hitler, who was very popular with
women during his life, and a very powerful man at the height of his power, did not have any
descendants. There were many German women who would have begged to have a child by him, and
there were a number who did. There is no doubt in this author’s mind that the Krupp’s got ahold of
the Illuminati formula for creating multiple personalities
who are programmed
into Systems of Alters.
The Krupp relatives have numerous castles and other pieces of property all over Germany, and all
over the world in fact. I continue to get reports of Illuminati
going on in
castles, and Illuminati rituals taking place in German castles. It is a distinct possibility that castles tied
to the Krupp clan are being used for programming.
Some of their castles and estates have been remote
and some have been left unused as far as the public was told. Summary. What we have learned is that
the Krupps have participated
in the Illuminati, and were primarily responsible for both Hitler coming
to power and for Germany rearming itself secretly in violation of the Versailles’ Treaty. We have
learned that Illuminati Kingpins like the Krupps are above the law, and are usually above getting
themselves sincerely exposed in the controlled media. The Krupps provide an excellent example of
how a military build-up can be hidden, and how scandalous behavior of the elite can go unpublicized
and unpunished. The same things are still happening today. We have learned about two Krupps who
wielded enormous power during the twentieth century, Alfred Krupp and Chip Bohien. Alfred Krupp
was the most powerful man in European economic aflairs during his lifetime, and Chip Bohlen, who
was perhaps the most influential American diplomat of the twentieth century. We have gotten a
glimpse of how the remaining Krupps today are scattered and are to be expected to continue to play
an active role in the ritual life/& mind-control
of the Illuminati.
Later articles:
The German connection to the llluminati
is extensive; the Order of the Skull & Bones is an important
element. Examples of German elite occultists who may be exposed in later articles include: a. "King"
Adolphus Busch, who acquired Ulysses Grant’s (ancestor of several in todays Illuminati) St. Louis
property and built a magnificant castle on it called Grant’s Farm. b. Bleichroeder,
who was an
important Satanist and high ranking Mason & an important occult leader. Berlin was one of the
important Masonic headquarters for years. c. The Johnson-Wilson
clans. One satanic german
bloodline which came from the location Tristie in Germany has been working with the Rockefeller &
Johnson satanic families. They are active on the west coast-incl. have a house equipped with a torture
dungeon in Tacoma. The Johnson & Johnson clan have relatives in Satanism in Germany. d. The
Committee for the Care of European Children brought children from the concentration
camps into the
U.S. At least some of these children had already received Nazi trauma-based
mind control, and were
placed into occult families. The german connection to the Illuminati needs further coverage in this
William. The Arms of KRUPP 1587-1968.
Boston: Little,
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