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Council of the 330 of Southern Rite of Freemasonry
had pictures of George Bush in their New Age
magazine holding children in his lap. For those of us who know that he is a pedophile the picture
showing him as a fatherly Jesus-type figure who children love is sickening. Will we learn from the
past, or will we continue to repeat it & its atrocities? Even today, in Germany the Krupp name is
above reproach. The truth is not being told. The Krupps have had too much power over the German
media for the German mass media to ever say the genuine negative truth about the Krupps.
During W.W. II, the Krupps took tens of thousands of jews and other people and used them as slave
labor. A concentration
camp at Buschmannhof,
Germany was created for the babies of Krupps slave
labor. The babies who were sent to this concentration
camp would then die of starvation and disease.
The slaves of the Krupps during W.W. II were tortured in small boxes, whipped etc. etc. However,
the politically correct line today in Germany is that the Krupps were made to do this by the Nazis.
And that politically correct line is a fabricated lie, because numerous documents show that the Krupps
went to the Nazi government and begged for slaves to work in their factories, and that the Krupps
set .up extremely harsh working conditions for their slaves. In fact, letters exist that
show the Krupps couldnt get enough supply of torture weapons to use on their slaves.
But then the workers for Krupp have always worked under serf conditions. A visitor to a Krupp
factory said, "For all practical purposes the people of Essen are body and soul the property of the
Krupps." At times the Krupps have been viewed as god figures by some of their workers. Are we
going to learn from history? Today, the public is buying the Systems propaganda to make inmates
work under boot camp conditions. The stage is being set in the United States to view inmates as less
than human. The foreign slaves in Germany were often looked upon as less than human by many of
the German people. That is the power of control and propaganda.
The media is able to take someone
like Tim LaVeigh who everyone who knew him during his life says was a nice guy who couldnt
have set the bomb(s) and make him look to the public like a mean monster. I believe Tim LaVeigh is
patsy for the governments
own sinister bombing of the Oklahoma City Federal building
just like
Hitler firebombed his own Reichstag. Speaking of fires set by the Illuminati, the Krupps tried to burn
mountains of records before the Allies captured their factories. A lot were burned but many still
sensitive documents still survived. These sensitive documents showed their war crimes, Kruupps
own espionage network and other sensitive things. Krupp wanted to bury some of the documents at an
unused Bohien castle that he had. The Krupps have networked with all the elite. The Krupps agent in
powerful man while alive, he could hire or fire corporate leaders in many of Germanys corporations,
because his various banks held the purse strings in Germany. He also had international
clout, for
instance, Banco Aleman Transatlantico
(Deutsche Oberseeishe
Bank) which operates in South
America & Spain is run by Deutsche Bank. In July, 1944, the Illuminatis economic thinkers quietly
established the World Bank at Bretton Woods, New Hampshire. Illuminatus John J. McCloy, the man
who set Krupp free, became the president of the World Bank. The U.S., Japan and Germany are the
most powerful voting members of the World Bank according to the recent annual reports which I
When an appropriate Krupp couldnt be found in 1967 the Illuminati turned Krupps Industrial Empire
over to its Internat. bankers. Charles Eustis Bohlen (1904-1974)
was born to Celestine Eustis and
Charles Bohlen. His father Charles Bohien was a wealthy man and his mothers family had also been
prominent. His mother Celestines father was the American Ambassador to France in 1893. Because
Chip Bohien had connections,
it was mutually decided by several people that he should become a
diplomat. The state department at the time he joined had tarnished its reputation with the public with
several scandals. One diplomat had indecently exposed himself, another had been arrested for
boys and another had shot himself. Chip Bohlen seems to have been way above scandals.
Chip was very intelligent and very discreet. In addition to being very discreet and close lipped, the
elites press and the System in general over the years have kept Chip Bohlens life a secret from the
public. Most men of Chip Bohiens stature would appear in the Whos Who in America. Not Chip
Bohlen. He has managed to keep to a very low profile thanks to the Illuminatis control over all types
of information,
while remaining one of the most powerful men in the 20th century. Sen. McCarthy,
who was catching on to the Illuminatis conspiracy tried to prevent Bohlen from being