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approved as the U.S.’s "Ambassador
and plenipotentiary
to the U.S.S.R." but on Mar. 2
18, 1953, the Senate gave him the important position. However, Chip’s brother-in-law
quit his
political career after being exposed by Sen. McCarthy. (I had believed the lie of the press that
McCarthy was after communists, but I read something the Senator wrote which showed that he was
out to expose a worldwide occult conspiracy--not
simply communism.
The work the Senator did is
continually referred to as a "witch hunt", but some day the witches he tried to protect America from
may well put this nation through another Holocaust, and then the "witch hunt" of the Senator will
seem mild.) Chip Bohlen also served as the no. 1 adviser for three Secretaries of State - James F.
Byrnes, George C. Marshall (’45-’46) and Christian Herter (’59-’61). After graduating from Harvard
in the late 1920s, Chip worked for Frank B. Kellogg and Henry L. Stimson. The U.S. State
trained Chip to speak Russian several years before the U.S. had diplomatic ties with
Russia. When the U.S. put in an embassy in Moscow in 1934, Chip helped open the first American
embassy in communist Russia. The American diplomats stayed at the Savoy Hotel in Moscow. The
Savoy Hotel in London has been used as an important Illuminati building.
Chip stayed in communist USSR until 1940, when the U.S. government moved him to Tokyo to help
in Japan. According to Chip, he and others were not surprised that Pearl Harbor took place because
there were strong indications that it was going to happen. (See Chip’s book
Witness To History, pp.
110-112. His book was edited by a fellow Illuminatus Phelps.) After the attack on Pearl Harbor, Chip
was placed under arrest by the Japanese. Then on June 20, 1942, Chip, Keith Meyers head of
Standard Oil in Tokyo, and some other Americans were put on board the Asama Maru and returned to
the United States via Portuguese East Africa. Chip Bohlen interpreted for Averell Harriman, when
Harriman met the Russians for talks. Chip Bohlen did the interpreting and some advising of the
President when Roosevelt had his meetings with Stalin. Averell Harriman, a member of the
Illuminati, liked Chip and the work he did. If one looks at photographs
of the Yalta and the Tehran
meetings between Stalin, Churchill and Roosevelt you will see Chip Bohlen in the background.
was also at the Potsdam Conference between Truman and Stalin. He was also in San Francisco as a
participant who helped create the United Nations in 1945. It was Bohlen and others who actually
wrote out the Marshall plan and then requested that Sec. of State George Marshall spell it out in a
speech at Harvard. It would take a long article to cover all the big meetings that Bohien participated
in. Needless to say, he attended more big meetings involving global politics than any other American.
When Chip became the American Ambassador to the USSR, the Russians trusted Chip enough to stop
their practice of having agents always follow the American Ambassador. Chip’s predecessors as
had been George F. Kennen and Llewellyn E. Thompson. They had always been
followed by Russian agents. But things changed for Chip. By the way, both Kennen and Dean
Acheson both were close friends with Chip. Chip was noted for his intelligence and candor by his
colleagues, but the Establishment
has kept the full story about him very much under wraps. Perhaps
only people like the CIA and intelligence personnel know the full story. For as powerful as Chip
Bohlen was, he has been relegated to being in the shadows. When we look at the photos of the great
summit meetings, Chip can be seen behind Stalin, Churchill and the American Presidents. Francis
Hermana Bohlen (1808-t942) was a famous lawyer, politician and a teacher at Harvard from 1925-28.
This is just one more of the famous Bohlen’s. This author waited until there was verification from
independent ex-Illuminati
sources that Alfred Krupp (his full name includes the title "von Bohlen und
Halsbach") had been a member of the Illuminati. There is no doubt that Chip Bohlen was part of the
Illuminati. As previously mentioned one of the Illuminati survivors I have worked with was alive
during W.W.II and has memories of how the Russians, Germans, and Americans in the Illuminati
kept working together even during W.W. 11. A very close examination
of what really went on behind
the scenes, especially at the top shows that the parts of the Illuminati have continued to collaborate
together even during wars. The are many relatives of Krupp in Europe, South America and the United
States. Arndt Krupp, Alfred son who opted to become a professional
playboy, bought an estate in the
interior of Brazil. The estate covered 43 square miles, had dwellings for 180 servants (back in the
happened in recent years I don’t know), had a park modeled after Versailles, and the
largest horse stables in Brazil. His private jet could carry his custom-built
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